Monday, May 23, 2011

Things I Love About My Job (A Non-Comprehensive List)

This year has been tough to say the least.  Beginning a new faction of a career is never easy, no matter how exciting that new thing is. (And for the record, my perfectionist nature makes me a terrible new person.) As I reflect on the end of the year though, I am awed at the incredible growth my campuses have experienced, the growth that I have experienced too.  And though we have further to go and more mountains to conquer, though I have way more to learn, let me tell you some of the things I have loved about this year...

  1. Seeing a teacher's first tweets after seeing the beauty of a Twitter PLN
  2. Hearing the chatter of students as they Glog for the first time
  3. Experiencing chicks hatching live because of a well placed webcam and UStream
  4. Answering Team C's question of the day while collaborating with the head of the team on any and every tech tool known to man
  5. Spreading QR code love to some tech savvy and brave teachers when others just saw crazy black and white bar patterns
  6. Taking Kindergarteners to the moon with Google Earth
  7. Designing and training some awesome sessions with some super smart teammates, especially the one held in the Cottonwood, library.
  8. Getting excited to learn again...can anyone say, Flubaroo?
  9. Planning lessons that excite and challenge kids, teachers, and sometimes me.
  10. Visiting many types of classrooms and being knocked out at the talent, commitment and teaching methods my teachers have.
That is not a comprehensive list, but it does contain some highlights...What have your highlights been?

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