Sunday, September 26, 2010

Confessions of a Former Twitterphobe

Hi, my name is Alli and I am Twitter-phobic.

Yes, it's true.  Just a few short months ago, I would have told you that Twitter was for the birds.  Tweet, Tweet. But in this effort to become an open minded learner to all that is out there that may benefit educators, I have found a new love for Twitter. Much to my surprise, it has become one of my most used tools in the past few weeks.

But most likely, I don't like it for the reasons you think.

I will never rival Ashton in number of  "this is what I am doing" updates. Sure, it is an easy way to communicate, but I don't think most people care that I pulled resources off of the Smart Exchange ( for a teacher at 2:17 on September 21st.

What I am using Twitter for is a modern day PLN.  I enjoy pulling up my list of who I follow each evening to see what is new on the edtech horizon.  I have an app on my phone so I can easily scroll through and see new headlines and blog posts.  I forward anything worth looking deeper on or worth sharing to my email for later review.  Anytime I see something interesting, I check to see who that person is following too, in case I can find a new source of resources.

Yep, my Island friends will laugh at me, but I have succumbed to Twitter.  Maybe you should too.

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